Re: secure www site FAQ ???

Mr Martin J Hargreaves (
Mon, 16 Jan 1995 13:58:36 +0000 (GMT)

On 11 Jan 1995, Ron Steriti wrote:

> Is there a FAQ describing how to set up a secure www site?
> (gopher, mosaic)

	I just wrote up some HTML on the WWW site here, which is set up 
quite securely. It's available at

	It consists basically of "Get a cheap single purpose machine with 
a free OS, and disabled every subsystem you don't need (all but networking)
then run all the security tools you can find on it and check it every day"

	I hope this is useful (a lot of questions regarding secure http 
servers seem to have come up recently). This does not address encrypting 
servers - I may do something on this later.


| Martin Hargreaves, 		  |
| Undergraduate Computational Chemist    		       |
| WWW Server Admin       |